16 February 2009

SCIS an international association under Swiss law

The Sussex Centre for the Individual and Society (SCIS) was founded in March 2006 by doctoral candidates and young researchers of the University of Sussex on its campus at Brighton. At that time, we registered it, in England and Wales, as a Company Limited by Guarantee and Not Having a Share Capital (that is, not for profit). No shares were given out and no dividends paid to members.

Of the founding members, Alexander W. Higgins left SCIS at the end of 2006 for personal reasons (a serious case of illness in his family) and I left England in 2007 (having lived there for two years) to continue my doctoral research at Sciences Po/The Institute for Political Studies in Paris, France.

From its inception, SCIS was independent of the University of Sussex and included research associates from other universities in the UK and worldwide as well as non-affiliated scholars. Over the past three years, SCIS has become ever more international and academics from all five continents have now participated in SCIS-organized events that took place on three continents. To support the further internationalization of our research and activities, the Sussex Centre for the Individual and Society decided in 2009 to change its legal personality to that of an international association under Swiss law.

The association has been incorporated under the same name and takes over all rights and duties of the former company, which will be dissolved. SCIS is now based in Geneva, Switzerland. All SCIS activities will be continued by the association (events, publications, mailing lists, etc.). SCIS remains a non-profit organization. Any profits, or other income, are to be spent in promoting the association's objects. The liability of members is limited. The association's President and Managing Director is Erich Kofmel.

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